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A 2000-Year Timeline of Adam to Noah

 ·   ·  ☕ 3 min read

Timeline of Humanity

The chart that follows shows a timeline of about 2000 years till the flood and death of Noah.

        dateFormat  YYYY
        axisFormat  %Y
        todayMarker off
        title       2000-Year Timeline of Adam to Enoch.

        section Adam
        Adam :a, 0000, 48360w
        Lived 130 Years :a1, 0000, 6760w
        Remaining Years :a2, after a1, 41600w

        section Seth 
        Seth :b, after a1, 47424w
        Lived 105 Years :b1, after a1, 5460w
        Remaining Years :b2, after b1, 41964w

        section Enosh
        Enosh :c, 0235, 47060w
        Lived :c1

        section Kenan
        Kenan :d, 0325, 47320w
        section Mahalalel
        Mahalalel :e, 0395, 46540w

        section Jared
        Jared :f, 0460, 50024w

        section Enoch
        Enoch :g, 0622, 18980w

        section Methuselah
        Methuselah :g, 0687, 50388w

        section Lamech
        Lamech :h, 0874, 40404w

        section Noah
        Noah :i, 1056, 49400w


  1. Adam saw up to his 7th grandchild, Lamech.
  2. From Adam to the death of Noah took at least 2000 years.
  3. Adam was about 600 years when Enoch was born
  4. Methuselah met all his ancestors alive and His child, Lamech died about 10 years before him.
  5. Except for Adam, Seth and Enoch Noah met all other ancestors on earth.
  6. Noah raised a family, built the ark and preached for a 100 years.
  7. Flood started the year Methuselah died.
  8. The average living age from Adam to Noah is about 850 in total. It was reduced to 120 by God which is about 14% of the average living age for within this 200-year duration.
  9. Methuselah died the year the flood began
  10. Enoch lived the shortest life of all and died shortly after Adam

Food for Thought

Against all these men, it was recorded that they were born, had children and died. Only Enoch and NNoah were exceptional. What will be written about you, if God decides to write a summary of your short time on earth? Will he records the hell-bound but earthly normal trend - birth, worked, and death - about you? Or would he have extra spice of a walk or intimacy with Him to add to your story?


The world needs more resolute men. Not men raised and sunken by every swing of trend. And I am praying to be one of them!
Odunayo Rotimi

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Odunayo Rotimi
Odunayo Rotimi

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